Nepal is in the threshold of historic change. New constitution drafting process has been begun. There were 14 committees formed under the CA in order to supply thoughts on respective thematic issues to be incorporated in new constitution which is expected to be endorsed by CA by mid of May 2010. It is indeed a good news that people of Nepal are getting opportunity to contribute in the historic constitution developing process ever and it is expected that the new constitution will reflect each rights and duties with equal manner so that nobody has to feel discriminated by the opportunities provided by the state. Despite being uncertainty over numerous issues within CA has finally endorsed 14 committees those will take a lead in drafting the constitution with established mandate of the people revolution in April 2006.
But on the other hand people of Nepal has been facing load shedding lasting 16 hours a day which has been in existence for the first time in Nepal.
But on the other hand people of Nepal has been facing load shedding lasting 16 hours a day which has been in existence for the first time in Nepal.