It's been complete nine (9) years king Birendra passed away. I am remembering the day curfew was imposed in valley –angry policeman was running behind a boy, chasing him on the street Maitidevi. Scared boy entered in to the home where I was leaving in rent. Frightened by found no other way than entering in to toilet thinking there is no other safe mean to save him from police stick and boot. Angry police personnel saw him going toward the same home but could not spot where they boy is hiding. Police knocked on the every door, all door got opened but police didn't see one door opening, and which led him to think that boy is hiding himself within that room. Police continued knock on till he decided to get that door broken. But found nothing that kitchen stuff and my personal clothes in the room inside the room. Luckily police didn't see the toilet where the boy was scarily hiding himself. One eyewitness told me the detail account of information behind the door of my room was broken when I returned to home next day. Everything has happened when I was not in room. That night I was gone to Radio Sagarmatha with friend Deepedra Khaniya, and it went on difficult for me to get back room since curfew was imposed in the street, no one could walk in the street. Curfew was imposed just because people were come to the street, they were in a mood that nobody seemed like they were ready to accept the causes presented behind the killing of then king Birendra and his family. Yes, it was a royal massacre but nothing was come to public that why it was being happened. People were listening radio but FMs were just playing nothing than sad music. No news in newspaper, everything was coming person to person but more rumor than facts. Despite king interest of being active participant in politics king Birendra was popular among citizen that we loved his cheerful face, politeness, and he had also accepted the mandate of people movement and took decision to keep him in low profile in political activities. Now, it's been 9 years he passed away. Many things have happened within this period of time, monarchy is no longer in existence, king's family is living their life as general citizen live but still we have a lot of love to our past king, Birendra.