Life is a magic box. Very surprisingly happy and sorrows come together at times. Satisfaction and disappointment are both side of life but no wonder can come together, not always. There is no gain without pain, gain after pain really matters in life but no wonder they both come again and again usually and together. So that it is life. Nothing is certain but all of certain things happen in life. That is why life is magic box, if you are able to open it you see a lot of opportunities it brings about but if you don't know how to open it all opportunities gone even not letting you know what opportunities they are.
BAR CAMP is new term for me but lucky I am as I know a bit about it. Yesterday, Equal Access organized BAR CAMP mini in Kathmandu. The aim was collection of inputs and feedbacks on social media and citizen journalisms sites that Equal Access is taking initiation develop it in the day ahead. Popularity of social media is in increasing order. People who have access to computer, mobile and internet connectivity can easily set up personal websites. Social media site such as Face Book is popular not only among youth but also all sector of life in the community have become face book fan. Considering its growing interest among people now face book is being used to conduct public business. Nor is face book useful to post the status about personal things it is also useful for carrying out collective action. Recently Anuradah Koirala becomes CNN hero. Face book has played tremendous roles vote Anuradha being CNN hero. Chepang community of Kanda VDC chiton got a lot of clothes and foods even money as well just because campaigners use Face book to advocate on their behalf. At many contexts it has developed image as alternative media. In the context site likes face book and twitter being popular many organizations are designing programs use face book and other social and citizen media integrated to promote human rights and foster democracy in the society by capacitating media be able to serve the basic norms of human rights and democracy. BAR CAMP was one of the event been organized let social media users know about the initiation and meantime taking suggestions from them how to make newly developed media workers sites interactive and useful among media community. It went on successful. Very constructive ideas and thoughts came up. Now it is time to see how to convert them in to action. Equal Access is doing that.
I am in a big dilemma. Recently I applied for the position 'Media Manager' at prestigious international organization namely 'Search for Common Ground' (SFCG). I heard formally that I am shortlisted. Interview date is fixed. The other hand I have a lot of responsibilities at Equal Access. I am DRL project manager. Meantime I am managing more than three projects at a time currently at office. Peace, Media, Democracy are in my plate so I have a lot projects assigned me as project manager. Trying hard to manage times and things. Learning many things in terms of project management and leadership. I am doing hard in preparation for interview as it is approaching fast. Lets' see what happened. I am very open to decide and think that if I have to decide whether to go for two equally important issues I would do right decision considering pros and cons of both.
Two working days I stayed at home because I had pain in neck. It was difficult to turn head around. Now feeling better. Tomorrow onwards, same routine repeats.
BAR CAMP is new term for me but lucky I am as I know a bit about it. Yesterday, Equal Access organized BAR CAMP mini in Kathmandu. The aim was collection of inputs and feedbacks on social media and citizen journalisms sites that Equal Access is taking initiation develop it in the day ahead. Popularity of social media is in increasing order. People who have access to computer, mobile and internet connectivity can easily set up personal websites. Social media site such as Face Book is popular not only among youth but also all sector of life in the community have become face book fan. Considering its growing interest among people now face book is being used to conduct public business. Nor is face book useful to post the status about personal things it is also useful for carrying out collective action. Recently Anuradah Koirala becomes CNN hero. Face book has played tremendous roles vote Anuradha being CNN hero. Chepang community of Kanda VDC chiton got a lot of clothes and foods even money as well just because campaigners use Face book to advocate on their behalf. At many contexts it has developed image as alternative media. In the context site likes face book and twitter being popular many organizations are designing programs use face book and other social and citizen media integrated to promote human rights and foster democracy in the society by capacitating media be able to serve the basic norms of human rights and democracy. BAR CAMP was one of the event been organized let social media users know about the initiation and meantime taking suggestions from them how to make newly developed media workers sites interactive and useful among media community. It went on successful. Very constructive ideas and thoughts came up. Now it is time to see how to convert them in to action. Equal Access is doing that.
I am in a big dilemma. Recently I applied for the position 'Media Manager' at prestigious international organization namely 'Search for Common Ground' (SFCG). I heard formally that I am shortlisted. Interview date is fixed. The other hand I have a lot of responsibilities at Equal Access. I am DRL project manager. Meantime I am managing more than three projects at a time currently at office. Peace, Media, Democracy are in my plate so I have a lot projects assigned me as project manager. Trying hard to manage times and things. Learning many things in terms of project management and leadership. I am doing hard in preparation for interview as it is approaching fast. Lets' see what happened. I am very open to decide and think that if I have to decide whether to go for two equally important issues I would do right decision considering pros and cons of both.
Two working days I stayed at home because I had pain in neck. It was difficult to turn head around. Now feeling better. Tomorrow onwards, same routine repeats.