Now we have completed the production and broadcast Naya Nepal's 61 episode and we are very excited hearing that this program is getting popular day by day in the community. I have posted here an example that you would see the impact of radio program in the community.
Hatemalo Radio Shrota (Listeners) Club, Babiya VDC- 5 Sunsari.
This listeners Club is located near to the district headquarter of Susari, Inaruwa. There are more than 3 hundred households. This is the small village of indigenous people belong to the Dalit community. Each of them does have their own house but the land does not have. So they have to work as labor. They send their children to government school however parents do not have formal education. They use their own mother tongue in their daily life. We found that they know the way of speaking Nepali language but do not understand it easily. Like wise they could not speak Nepali in easy manner.
The Hatemalo Radio Listeners Club has formed around in August with the support from RDC Nepal in assistance with SAP Nepal. They started listening to SSB since August. First program they had listen was episode no 10. Some of them still remembered the title of the first program they heard over Saptakoshi FM was 'Children as a Zone of Peace.'
Ganga Ram Katwe, is the facilitator of the listeners group. Besides group facilitation he has been leading his society into the activities for betterment of their life in the assistance of local NGOs. Abhiya Nepal is one of the local NGOs supporting them besides RDC Nepal. According to Gangar Ram there is another listeners group formed to listen to the radio program. The group is called 'Shaja Aagan Listeners Club'. Shaja Aagan (Common Yard) is the radio program produced jointly by Saptakoshi FM and Abhiyan Nepal with the support of Action Aid Nepal. This is weekly radio program developed in the theme of minority rights.
Since they heard the SSB first time in August then they have been listening to this program on regular manner. They started to feel the program is very good and produced for them when they heard the voice of local women who was talking about the violence what she had to face within her community as she had been accused as witch doctor. She spoke in her own language. Gangara said us that once they heard the voice in their own language then they started listening to this program regularly. Now Ganga Ram recorded the program broadcast over Saptakoshi FM and made listen to this in their preferred time.
What changes have been made after listening to this program?
As we asked to Gangaram and other people gathered in front of Gagaram's house they said,
In our community we (male) used to restricted women of our community in household activities. Women had to cover up their face while they talked with man. It was somehow impossible male and female to sit together in public meeting or gathering. We (male) never allowed our female partners to talk with other people from out of community. But now we sit together and listen to this radio program in a group. They do not have to cover up their face. They can talk to anyone they want. They have the rights to make a decision what they would think useful to theme. It is the main changes.
What motive did you lead out for this change?
We heard the series of program on women issues. Through listening to the program on women issues such as women in leadership, single women, reservation for women we thought that we were wrong. So we decided allowing women to hear this radio program and encourage theme to wear a red clothes if they are single. We requested our miss (pointing to health worker as she was sitting with them she was single women) to give up the clothes what she wore and used red clothes. Then she started wearing red clothes.
This listeners Club is located near to the district headquarter of Susari, Inaruwa. There are more than 3 hundred households. This is the small village of indigenous people belong to the Dalit community. Each of them does have their own house but the land does not have. So they have to work as labor. They send their children to government school however parents do not have formal education. They use their own mother tongue in their daily life. We found that they know the way of speaking Nepali language but do not understand it easily. Like wise they could not speak Nepali in easy manner.
The Hatemalo Radio Listeners Club has formed around in August with the support from RDC Nepal in assistance with SAP Nepal. They started listening to SSB since August. First program they had listen was episode no 10. Some of them still remembered the title of the first program they heard over Saptakoshi FM was 'Children as a Zone of Peace.'
Ganga Ram Katwe, is the facilitator of the listeners group. Besides group facilitation he has been leading his society into the activities for betterment of their life in the assistance of local NGOs. Abhiya Nepal is one of the local NGOs supporting them besides RDC Nepal. According to Gangar Ram there is another listeners group formed to listen to the radio program. The group is called 'Shaja Aagan Listeners Club'. Shaja Aagan (Common Yard) is the radio program produced jointly by Saptakoshi FM and Abhiyan Nepal with the support of Action Aid Nepal. This is weekly radio program developed in the theme of minority rights.
Since they heard the SSB first time in August then they have been listening to this program on regular manner. They started to feel the program is very good and produced for them when they heard the voice of local women who was talking about the violence what she had to face within her community as she had been accused as witch doctor. She spoke in her own language. Gangara said us that once they heard the voice in their own language then they started listening to this program regularly. Now Ganga Ram recorded the program broadcast over Saptakoshi FM and made listen to this in their preferred time.
What changes have been made after listening to this program?
As we asked to Gangaram and other people gathered in front of Gagaram's house they said,
In our community we (male) used to restricted women of our community in household activities. Women had to cover up their face while they talked with man. It was somehow impossible male and female to sit together in public meeting or gathering. We (male) never allowed our female partners to talk with other people from out of community. But now we sit together and listen to this radio program in a group. They do not have to cover up their face. They can talk to anyone they want. They have the rights to make a decision what they would think useful to theme. It is the main changes.
What motive did you lead out for this change?
We heard the series of program on women issues. Through listening to the program on women issues such as women in leadership, single women, reservation for women we thought that we were wrong. So we decided allowing women to hear this radio program and encourage theme to wear a red clothes if they are single. We requested our miss (pointing to health worker as she was sitting with them she was single women) to give up the clothes what she wore and used red clothes. Then she started wearing red clothes.
Any other changes did you notice?
Besides allowing women into public activities as well as granted permission them to sitting together to listening to the radio program we are learning different information on current political process. Though we feel very hard to learn the message of program due to the languages difficulties we know about the peace accord. Recently we have heard about citizenship certificate issues.
Besides allowing women into public activities as well as granted permission them to sitting together to listening to the radio program we are learning different information on current political process. Though we feel very hard to learn the message of program due to the languages difficulties we know about the peace accord. Recently we have heard about citizenship certificate issues.
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I like the title of the blog: "Tamkeview", esp the word "Tamke". I do not know why. The blog has an attractive layout, which I need to learn to improve the beauty of my own blog ( Thank you.
Kiran Chapagain
Brooklyn, New York
United States.