December 8, 9 and 10 the training or workshop titled as Training on 'Nepal in Transition The Role of Civil Society in fostering a New Civic Identity, and a Constructive Constituent Assembly Process' was being held in Ratna Hotel Biratnagar. Training was organized jointly by Srot Bikas Kendra (RDC) Nepal and SOLVE-Nepal, in collaboration with Canedian Cooperation Office (CCO) and Karuna Center for Peace Building, USA. Resource persons had come from Karuna Center for Peace Building, USA. They were Dr. Paula Green and Olivia Stokes Dreier. Around Two dozens of active members of civil society from different part of the nation were participated in the program. On behalf of Equal Acceess Nepal we three Bikash Koirala, Jiwan Sharma and I were participated. As a radio program maker on broad bigger theme such as constitution assembly, constitutional process the training seemed to be effective for me.
December 8, 9 and 10 the training or workshop titled as Training on 'Nepal in Transition The Role of Civil Society in fostering a New Civic Identity, and a Constructive Constituent Assembly Process' was being held in Ratna Hotel Biratnagar. Training was organized jointly by Srot Bikas Kendra (RDC) Nepal and SOLVE-Nepal, in collaboration with Canedian Cooperation Office (CCO) and Karuna Center for Peace Building, USA. Resource persons had come from Karuna Center for Peace Building, USA. They were Dr. Paula Green and Olivia Stokes Dreier. Around Two dozens of active members of civil society from different part of the nation were participated in the program. On behalf of Equal Acceess Nepal we three Bikash Koirala, Jiwan Sharma and I were participated. As a radio program maker on broad bigger theme such as constitution assembly, constitutional process the training seemed to be effective for me.