It is reported that the candidate of CA election in Surkhet Rishi Prasad Sharma were shot dead last night in clash between CPN UML and Nepali Congress cadres. Mr. sharma was candidate of CPN UML. This morning surkhet is in tension. Local government has imposed indefinite curfew to make situation under control and not the situation to turn further violence.

Similarly, seven (7) Young Communist League (YCL) cadres were killed in Dang. It is reported that they were killed when YCL members were returning from attending the mass rally in Satbariya. According to the report, ex home minister Khum Bahadur Khadka was met in the way and YCL tried to beat him. Police has opened fire to control the situation and seven YCL members were shot dead. Other many injured were taken to the hospital.

One more day to go to hold the CA election. But it seems that it won't be peaceful. But people want the Election should peaceful and no more killings.


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