Friday, no special things has happened than usual work. As part of the work I attended a workshop Theory of change of Peace-building project which was organized by Care Nepal and International Alert in Park Village Resort. It was interesting and useful in many senses. One is, I understood what Theory of Change is which I deliberately wanted to learn. There are good participation from Ministry of Peace & Reconstruction. Member including joint- secretary, under-secretory, coordinator of local peace committee and district based officer of LPC were attended the meeting fully. They were talking as if government line ministry is not known anything happening in terms of peacebuilding works in Nepal. So pity to hear that they now realized that donor mapping is needed. Definitely, it was good motive that MoPC is going to map the donors and organizations working in the area of peace-building.

Saturday ended with family get together, gossiping and visit market places. It was day when Comprehensive Peace Accord was singed four years back. Pathways for peacebuilding to the logical end is still challenging, no major consensus have made so far as they were promised to do while signing CPA. The day before Mansir 5, Maoist law maker stopped Finance Minister to present the budget. It is reported that they manhandled the minister and tore the briefcase. Many termed that day a black day in economic history. It was not only fault of Maoist but it is also mistake that Government committed boycotting Maoist and it seemed like government was forcing them to be violent. However, the other hand Maoist is still not becoming serious, they are violating democratic norms and value.

Sunday - no plan was made till the morning. However land owner called, we decided to go to land revenue office register the land. But so unfortunate one owner denied to attend the government office so plan postponed until they reach to conclusion in the new date. Maoist plenum began in Palungtar Gorkha. World is watching Paluntar meeting with curiosity what the Maoist decision would be after this grand cadres meeting.

I am experiencing back pain in increasing order.


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